Startup Mentoring
We mentor startups and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas.
We help startups commercialise and turn their dreams into reality.
We help automate and develop the technical solutions of your innovative ideas.
If you are an entrepreneur with a great idea or innovation
but do not know how to start or how to build a startup company.
Talk to us if you need a mentor!!!
Do you need funding? Investors? Venture Capital? Seed money?
  • We will guide you and journey with you as a strategic partner, aligning your ideas to your potential business and ensure IT is utilized in the best way.
  • We will teach you how to validate or tweak your idea, your new product or offering so that it works ... learn about Lean Startup Machine!!!
  • We will stand in as your CEO, CIO or CTO and help you build your management team.
  • We will guide you in how to setup a formal structure, with a board, an advisory council, a public company.
  • We will teach you how to setup a strategic plan for your new business.
  • We will help supervise your R&D department, your Masters by research or PhD students.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.

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